The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) conducts assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) such as colleges, universities or other recognised institutions to derive an understanding of the ‘Quality Status’ of the institution. NAAC evaluates the institutions for its conformance to the standards of quality in terms of its performance related to the educational processes and outcomes, curriculum coverage, teaching-learning processes, faculty, research, infrastructure, learning resources, organisation, governance, financial well being and student services.
NACC at S is bottomed on a value base system to encourage the departments to build relationship. The standardized activities of the cell motivates an all-round excellence at the institutional level to channelize the efforts of global reputation. The nodal agency works on:
NACC at S is bottomed on a value base system to encourage the departments to build relationship. The standardized activities of the cell motivates an all-round excellence at the institutional level to channelize the efforts of global reputation. The nodal agency works on: